Need your sewer lateral replaced?
So the question is to trench or not to trench.
Trenching is the most common and in some cities and counties the only choice.
I was bidding a new lateral on a home that is under a complete home makeover.
As it turned out I was on the Denver side of the street just one house from the Denver, Littleton county line.
So it’s back to the way I know tear up the yard from the sidewalk top the street. Cut up the street, sidewalk and yard.
Now you are ready for inspection, then back fill , repair the street, replace the sidewalk and your lawn.
So let’s say you live across the street, and then they would just dig a hole above the city sewer line and another at the house.
You have much less street to replace, no sidewalk and a small portion of the lawn along the house. You still need an inspection but the job is complete in one day in most cases.
You put a cable puller at the house and pull a new line to the house. Hook up the new lateral up on the street side and pull. Hook up to the city and house and ready for inspection and backfill.
At about 6 to 12” a minute it is not a long wait on average homes.
It is cleaner disturbs less of your yard and the cost is the same.
So the cost is the same or less , it is faster, cleaner and I am still looking for a down side.
Richard Sims,
Sims Construction